Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP)

Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP)

In association with Azim Premji Foundation, we are implementing a project to promote Sustainable Agriculture Practices among the farmers in the following panchayats in Kelamangalam Block of Krishnagiri District.

  1. Pllari Agraharam
  2. Koppakarai
  3. Dhoddathimmanahalli
  4. Thimjepalli

Sustainable Agriculture Promotion

Project Goal

Promotion of sustainable agriculture by 1750 small and marginal farmers through awareness, trainings, exposures and inputs to:

  • Reduce cost of cultivation per acre (vegetables, floriculture & millets) by 15% for 750 farmers
  • Increase income by 20% for 300 farmers (through value addition to chilli & ragi and remunerative price through markets)
  • Link 500 farmers in availing at least two schemes in 32 hamlets of above mentioned Panchayath


  1. Build internal capacities of staff and cadres by enhancing their knowledge and skills on sustainable agriculture
  2. Build the capacities of 1750 farmers on sustainable agriculture through trainings, exposures, demos and input support
  3. Increase income through capacitating 500 farmers on Value Addition for Ragi and Chilli and facilitating remunerative price for the produce
  4. Create awareness to 1750 farmers to avail schemes and resources from government departments and other service providers



  • Engage a resource organization for capacity building and handholding support (2 years)
  • Baseline and needs assessment survey in 32 hamlets
  • Awareness Meetings with farmers and Identification of 20 Community Cadres

Group Formation & Training

  • Formation of Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs)
  • Training on leadership and mobilization to FIG leaders
  • Training to Board of Directors of Two FPOs on Governance, leadership and systems

Material Development & Training

  • Workshop to finalize training modules and IEC materials
  • Printing of training manuals and IEC materials
  • Training of Trainers (ToT) on sustainable agriculture practices

Farmer Training

  • Soil & Water Conservation
  • Bio Pest Control Management
  • Integrated Farming Techniques
  • Package of Practices (Vegetables, Flower & Millets)

Practical Learning

  • Field Demonstrations on Package of Practices and Organic Agriculture
  • Exposure Visits:
    • IT enabled Farmers Information System
    • Composting
    • Farm Ponds